August 4, 2011

New superintendent on tap for July SB meeting

New superintendent on tap for July SB meeting

New Supt. Robert Tollefson was present in his official capacity for the July 26 annual and regular monthly McClusky School Board meeting. Newly elected school board member Roberta Hunt was also present, as were Board President Brian Larson, Vice-president Phyllis Dieterle, Heidi Strobel and Stacy Sease.
At the reorganization of the board following the official closing of the 2010-2011 school year, the president and vice-president were unanimously returned to their positions.
In old business, the use of the gym for a Zumba class was discussed. The item was tabled until the August meeting to enable more alternatives and information to be gathered. The Zumba class would be open to the public but not a free event.
Supt. Tollefson reported on the cost per pupil numbers, greatly affected by the drop in attendance. He noted that using ITC for some of the lower enrollment classes might result in great savings for the school. He also noted that a quality teacher that could serve as a teacher of a subject for ITV would be a plus to the school also.
The average cost per pupil in the various categories were; pre-school/special education, $45,863; kindergarten, $22, 949; grades one through six, $12,346; grade seven and eight, $15,151; grades nine through twelve, $15,718 for an average of $14,331. There was a total daily student membership of 80 for the preceding year.

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