July 15, 2010

New county extension agent meets commissioners

New county extension agent meets commissioners
Mike Hanson of the NDSU Extension service was at the July 6 meeting of the Sheridan County Commissioners to introduce a newcomer to the community. Emily Steckler is the new extension agent for Sheridan County.
Steckler reported to the commissioners that she had already been making the rounds of farms, given direction on whom to contact by Annie Fylling, extension secretary.
Steckler and the commissioners discussed the general expectations and cleared up expense record dates for submission; reports that the commissioners would like to have and how often, and other items that are often unfamiliar to new county employees.
Steckler stated that she is from a farm and ranch near St. Anthony and attended Bismarck State College and North Dakota State University. She graduated in 2009 with a degree in Agricultural Education.

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