New council heads into new year of city work
With newly elected Corey Lauer on council, along with returning mayor Bryon Belile and council vice president Nathan Rhoads, present,
along with council Cheryl Helm and Lee Wahl, the move into the next year of city progress and change started. Missing on July 11 was City
Auditor Wayne Houston who is ill. Filling in for recording minutes was Tracy Stein from the county auditor’s office. Others present were Sheridan County Sheriff Trent Naser, merchant Brandon Lauer, and city maintenance supervisor Jamey Clark. The meeting was not available
online due to Houston’s absence. With last month’s good news of water bills becoming paid timely, there was no records available to address
possible shut off notices. Naser asked the council for direction on the plans for the city celebration the first weekend in August.