Merchants reaffirm officers who serve “life terms” once elected
Telling them there is no out after being elected, or volunteering, the president, secretary, and treasurer of the McClusky Merchants As-sociation were re-chosen for another year. “It is move or die,” one member quipped.
Jeff Martwick remains pres-ident; Connie Werth is secretary (although she made a gallant effort to shove it off on another member) and Travis Pfennig remains treasurer. He also, with a huge smile, offered to give up his position if anyone wanted it. No takers.
Lisa Rott of West River Telecom (WRT) was on hand to become familiar with the group and to offer a solution (Roku 3) through WRT for the problem resulting from the discontinuation of cable services formerly made available by Mid-Continent Telecom.
Rott explained the benefits of the hook-up device to those who were not familiar with the technology that would allow them to receive Netflicks and other similar programming.
Gaming was picking up slightly according to gaming report sources.
The Appreciation Supper was discussed and there was still no consensus on what would be served. Beans and wieners were NOT popular as suggestions. Beef roast or meatballs were also suggested, with more approval. Meatballs were finally selected but after the meeting was over,
$574 worth of turkeys was given away to 20 lucky winners for Thanksgiving. Everyone thought this was good.
Kady Rath and Katylin