Merchants plan summer celebration
Merchants plan summer celebration
With eight members in attendance the McClusky Merchants Association held its regular meeting at The Union Grill on March 27. New President Jeff Martwick officiated at the meeting and the treasurer’s report, $13,186.98 balance, was approved; gaming report was not available but assumed “good;” and the minutes were approved from the last meeting.
It was briefly reported that there was a possible buyer in line for the Confederate Bar and Café, but nothing confirmed.
The main concern at the meeting was planning for the Midsummer Fest currently scheduled for the first weekend in July 6 and 7.
Items set are the change in direction for the parade. The parades will form on the north end of Main Street, on the Mechanic’s Plus large lot on the north side of the highway. The kiddie parade will be at 10:30, followed by the big parade at 11 a.m. Parade emcee is Jeff Martwick; with the McClusky Lions in charge of the line-ups. Contact Jeff at 363-2259.
SCiPY is in charge of the kiddie parade; no contact person specified yet.
Noon lunch at park, with hot dogs, pickles and pop.
A “Ranch Rodeo” is planned with Chris and Nadine Tedford in charge, 363-2282.