Merchants move forwardon Midsummer fest
With several open meetings between regular monthly meetings, plans for the McClusky Merchant Association’s Midsum-mer fest are coming to final stage. Posters will be made and available in the near future.
The event is set for the last weekend in June and everyone was urged to consider a parade entry.
President Jeff Martwick provided an agenda for the March 25 meeting in order to help meeting efficiency and accuracy and one will be used each month.
Both Friday and Saturday nights will feature a dance at the McClusky Fire Hall. This location was chosen due to the unavailability of the Hoffer Lake site and off the street to prevent rain from interfering unless a severe storm.
The Union declined to provide bar services at the dance and a possible provider from the bar in Mercer is sought.
Ranch Rodeo will be held July 12 at Hoffer Lake and a representative, Clay Hollenbeck, was at the meeting asking for support. They were the first recipients of the forms those asking for donations are to fill out for consideration at the meetings. Records for donations had been limited to what was recorded in minutes. The use of the form was approved by unanimous vote.
The Ranch Rodeo received $1,000 by a majority by a vote of Association members present.
Guest Todd Rath, filling in for Laurel Kukert, gave a thank you to the Merchants Association for past support and also gave a thorough report on the swimming pool and where donations and park board money is used. This helped the Association see the budgeting areas. The report did not include other branches of the park board such as the park and the cemetery.