September 6, 2012

Merchants cancel corn feed

Merchants cancel corn feed


The McClusky Merchants, at their August 28 meeting, canceled their proposed corn feed for the community. They were informed that the seller had “worms in the corn” and it was not available.
The members voted to not repair the malfunctioning cable access computer equipment as the last repairs were several thousand dollars and cable viewership was declining.
Weather and other announcements are available through other sources, including on the internet.
A “ranch rodeo” planned for Hoffer’s Lake and donations sought was thought to be a better project for 2013 than on such short notice this fall. The Merchants will donate to the event, they thought, if it is an ongoing thing and not a “one time thing.” They were informed that the teams were formed for the circuit. Chris Tedford is the lead local contact for the proposed event. Those interested in helping get this going may contact him to volunteer.

The Weather Network