Local fingernail care to be available soon
Local fingernail care to be available soon
When she sent her daughter, Babett, off to school 17 years ago, Kathy Reiswig didn’t know the tables would turn. She is now the graduate of JZ Trend Academy and has completed 350 hours of study and practical training in the fingernail and pedicure field.
They estimated that the cost of today’s training for nine weeks is about what Babett paid for her entire training 17 years ago. Maybe, not quite.
Reiswig has to complete time working under licensed supervision, which her daughter can not provide in her 205 Main Street hair salon in McClusky. A “pediaure” chair is on order and will be ready to go, as will Reiswig when she completes her final tests: the “boards” this week.
An inspiration to all those who think they are too old to be students, Reiswig stated she was never bored. The teacher, from Minneapolis with 30 years of experience in nails, made it all interesting, Reiswig said. “She taught us and also wrote the textbook we used.”
The nine-week course involved driving every day, Monday through Friday to classes in Bismarck. There were five in the class, which is limited at any time to “no more than eight.” Reiswig stated that they spent one day for theory and the others doing hands-on work with people, five or six a day, who came to the Academy for the fingernail or pedicure work. “I was surprised as to how many people come to be worked on,” she said. She would be at the Academy from noon to eight on Monday; then 9-5 on Tuesday through Friday.