April 29, 2020

Lauer Power brings Erin home

With a field of pink t-shirts dotting lower Main Street in McClusky, a police escort (Sheridan County Deputy Ben Kothrade) ushered Erin Lauer, Brandon Lauer, and their two young daughters Daphne and Brooklyn, home. The ride ended just steps from the Lauer home, with the gathering including parked vehicles, paper decorations and posters, flags waving and
tooters tooting. Trying to abide by social distancing rules, the crowd divided into family groups and refrained from handshakes and hugs. Air hugs, blown kisses, and smiles substituted well. Erin returned after an arduous number of weeks of chemotherapy, holding a bell to ring signifying it was complete. The hospital was unable to hold the bell ringing there due to COVID-19 precautions.

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