JDA president declines nomination for seat
Roberta Hunt, JDA president, declined to run for the position for 2022. Roxinne McPhail was elected to fill the position, with Larry Gessner chosen as vice-president. Secretary/
Treasurer remains the same with Wayne Houston. A new member applicant was present for the February 9th meeting, William Wimbley. He is employed by the Sheridan County Highway Dept and resides in the city. He will become a formal member after approval by the city council at their next meeting. Questions arose on who can serve on the board, city offices and committees are generally limited to city residents. With a increasing number of city businesses owned by rural residents, the council decided to accept the election results pending further information from legal counsel. At issue also was positions such as mayor and council members, who also must be residents to be elected. Two city elected officials must be on the JDA board, along with three from the general public. Hunt received a group thank you for her years of service to JDA, as well as her many other services to the community.