Horizons showcases untapped talent
With constructive and positive energy, the Horizons Leadership Plenty group tallied up the joint talents within their group on Feb. 22 at the McClusky City Community Room. From a general listing of talents categories to specific talents and experience within the four sub-groups, the participants filled huge sheets of paper with talents from teaching to sewing, from social service to community service, from law enforcement to law clerk, the tally went on. The four-hour session covered two units of the curriculum: different backgrounds and experiences, and the stages of group development. The three trainers, Robin Bauer, Aaron Pakome, and Dan Klemisch skillfully moved the group from one activity to another, with plenty of time for discussion and brainstorming around and within the sessions. Surprising, in the small close-knit community, were the things that no one knew about the other person, someone who perhaps lived just down the block and was well acquainted with nearly all their neighbors, so they thought.