August 19, 2020

Health and Safety Smart Restart Plan for school year 2020-2021

The two Sheridan County school boards, McClusky and Goodrich, approved the Health and Safety Smart Restart Plan for the 2020-2021 school year. It was signed by School Board Presidents Heidi Strobel and Misty Galvin, Superintendent for both schools Dale Ekstrom, and Principals Sarah Beck and Rodney Scherbenske. The members of the communities and schools who formed the COVID 19- Response, Planning and Coordinator Team were Dale Ekstrom, Rodney Scherbenske, Sarah Beck, Misty Galvin, Laura Monson, Julie Bender, Laura Lieberman, Roberta Hunt, Roberta Netzloff, Rochelle Schneider, Lucas Senske, Brenda Schaefer, Trent Naser, Kristi Jensen, Kayla Abrahamson, Heidi Strobel, Kerry Kitto, Rick Tripp, and Tina Tripp. The assumptions and assurances of the completed plan stated that every student should have the opportunity to engage in learning, regardless of the spread of COVID-19 in the school, community, county and state.

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