November 1, 2017

Handshakes, handicap access and ordinance amendment

The postponed city meeting was held on October 23. The absence of the city auditor for two weeks was the reason for the delay.
There were no reports for police, street committee or water committee.
On unfinished business, one applicant plus one other phone call had been received for the deputy city auditor position. They will set a meeting for the job interviews at a later time.
The second reading of the ordinance amendment was approved, 3-0, no abstentions, after an amendment was approved for the ordinance. The amendment added the penalty for violating the ordinance to $500 per occurrence. Council member Dorothy Estrada was absent due to medical issues.
The council approved a motion for rental of a large safety deposit box; it is needed to hold the number of cumbersome documents that would not fit in the current small box.
A building permit for Kathy Reiswig was approved, though the council thought that replacing a building with a like one did not require a permit.
The 2018 police contract was received.

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