Gutter seems likely culprit for long-time pool water loss
Under the positive leadership of Park Board President Tracy Stein, a longstanding issue with water loss at the Kathy Davis Memorial Pool may become history this year. This repair is good news but a major expense. Here is where volunteers can greatly assist the continuation of pool operation for this and future years. Stein noted in her letter to the public at the Park Board Pool fundraiser meal on Sunday, next to the vendor show in the McClusky High school gym, what the estimated costs will be. She emphasizes that helping the
welder fix the seams by providing volunteer labor and other support, during the days he will work on welding the seams. Jeff, from Associated Pools, will do the work. Before the gutters are repaired, the caulking needs to be removed. Nathan Rhoads is helping with this step in the project. Volunteers are needed here as well. Some areas may be two to four-inch widths of caulking with the depth unknown. The old caulking must be removed. Rhoads said oscillating saws work well for this job. Also needed are volunteers with this skill,
and gloves, scrapers, knives and other miscellaneous scraping and digging tools. Volunteers are essential and the “more the merrier,” added Stein. After the cleanup and welding
are complete, Randy with Dakota Causing will come in and replace the caulking above and below the gutters, on the deck and in the basin. This area will be inspected more closely when the snow and ice are gone. After the repairs are done, the Park Board crew is expecting substantial savings on the annual water, heating, chemicals, and other costs driven up by the loss of good water, along with the chemicals needed to keep a proper balance for swimming safety. The first portion of the job, welding, is estimated to be $8,000. The second part, $20,100. These areas can be reduced by volunteer help, which the community is well known for providing. After the repairs are made, the pool cover must be replaced.