Great effort by great volunteers with great hearts
In the words of the coordinator of all the calls and volunteers that appeared to help, Kendon Faul explained the ‘why’ to a Miami visitor’s question, “It is because this is a small, faith-based community.” So went the harvest of close to 900 acres of corn for the Doug and Vickie Erdmann family, whose daughter Katie and her husband Quenten Fiebelkorn had suffered great personal losses in the fire that destroyed their home. Faul reported that there were 25 semis, five grain carts, six combines and so many people who volunteered
he had to turn some of them away.
“I told them I was sorry but I wouldn’t be able to find anything for them to do.”
Faul said he forgot his Blue Tooth one day and had 100 calls waiting for him when he returned home. “One guy called four times to volunteer.”
“I don’t know how it got started or the word got out, but people just started calling and showing up.