Goodrich American Legion holds birthday program
Goodrich American Legion holds birthday program
Goodrich American Legion and Auxiliary Albert Block Post 56 held their delayed birthday program on Tuesday evening, April 5 at the Goodrich School gym. The program was postponed from March 22 because of a winter storm.
Goodrich Legionnaires opened with their Advance of the Colors. Goodrich Post Commander Merwyn Krein welcomed the audience to the program and they recited the “Pledge to the Flag” and sang the “National Anthem,” with LaDonna Erdmann accompanying at the piano.
Goodrich Chaplain Gordon Felchle gave the invocation.
The audience sang “Happy Birthday” to the Legion and Auxiliary, and then sang “America the Beautiful.”
Goodrich School students Mary Anderson, Starr Spence and Lacey Piper sang a musical selection, “Danny Boy.”
Flo Glatt, Commander of Carrington Legion Post #25 and 4th District Vice-Commander, was a guest speaker. She spoke on the many issues of veterans and service, from “ugly ordinances” (required disfigured people to cover their injuries) of the past to lawmakers who questioned the moral fiber of veterans who sought compensation or financial assistance.
Glatt stated that during this time of despair and disillusionment for World War I veterans gave birth to the American Legion as it is known today. They vowed to consecrate and sanctify comradeship by devotion to mutual helpfulness.