Free food and good reports fill annual meeting
Free food and good reports fill annual meeting
Prepaid seed, fertilizer, fuel and chemicals are the way for the future, McClusky Co-op Elevator patrons heard on March 14 at their annual meeting. Most of this they each heard on a full stomach of meat balls, gravy and all the trimmings.
With elevator board president Kenny Lasher presiding and William Voegele taking minutes, the meeting went quickly through the year’s improvements, challenges and a look to the future by Manager Brian Larson.
Nick Stor-haug, Cer-tified Public Accountant, presented the compiled financial statements, commending Ben Wag-ner, elevator bookkeeper, on his excellent record keeping. He added that, as a college graduate with a biology major, he not only was good at his regular bookkeeping job but also drove truck well when needed, too!
Re-elected to the board was Roger Ketterling, by unanimous ballot. With Kevin Axt declining to run again, Steve Erdmann accepted the nomination to the board and was also placed by unanimous ballot.