Following steps to superintendent selection
After the successful search for an interim superintendent, the first step in a sudden vacancy, the McClusky School board went on to the second step, finding a list of possible
replacements; then scheduling interviews from among the good matches. The last step is selecting and signing the candidate that best fills the needs of the school and its
students, faculty, employees and community. Leading the Monday, May 3, night list review was Board President Roberta Hunt, Jason Axt, and Sarah Crimmins. Newly selected member Levi Boehm was also present but not installed until the regular May meeting. Eight candidates were reviewed and narrowed down to five for interviews. They
included those known to some board members, Interim Superintendent Steve Brannan, and those who had replied to the search query. Several were available for interview scheduling, set for this week and next, with two candidates contacted and messages left to return calls on Tuesday if they are still interested in the position. The regular board meeting
will be held on May 11. One elementary contract is ready to be offered to a suitable candidate and the music instructor has been offered, with Tyler Krueger scheduled
for job shadow and in May. No formal action taken at this meeting.