September 22, 2021

First District Health schedules flu clinics

By Kristi Jensen
First District Health Unit, Sheridan County First District Health Unit has announced the dates and times of this year’s flu vaccination clinics. No appointments are needed. In McClusky, it will be held at McClusky City Hall, Monday, October 11, from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. In Goodrich, it will be held at Goodrich School Library on Wednesday, October
12, from 10 a.m. to 12 noon. These flu clinics are open to everyone 6 months of age and older. To get in and out as quickly as possible, First District recommends you bring
your insurance, Medicare or Medicaid card, and wear short sleeves. Masks are required. Adults age 65 and older will receive high-does influenza vaccine at all First District
Health Unit clinics. High-dose influenza vaccine induces a higher antibody response in adults 65 and older, offering better protection. The clinic also offers pneumonia shots
for people 65 and over, and free COVID-19 vaccinations for everyone 12 and up.

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