Fire truck upgrades fire response scores
The new McClusky fire truck will bring up the score numbers for the local fire department with its many features. The selection committee of Lee Pellman, Lance Pellman,
Lane Alm, Alex Roubal, and Fire Chief Samantha Demunbrun, put all the right processes into action in their search for a new truck. With Lee, Lance, and Lane the main scouts for the group, they were quick to point out all the assistance the group Fire truck upgrades fire response scores provided, as well as neighboring Goodrich Fire Chief Brian
Galvin, a “big help and asset” in the search. Galvin had found good contacts this past year, with the search and replacement of the Goodrich fire truck, and that proved helpful this year as well. One of those contacts went to sites on the east coast and would relay the information on the condition of the fire trucks available.