Erdmann spearheads Centennial project
Erdmann spearheads Centennial project
“People looked at pictures and just loved them”
They were there, in the courthouse, just waiting to complete whatever business for which they had come. They admired the photographs on the wall and wanted to know if there were more.
These people and the way they “just loved” the pictures, inspired Janice Erdmann, Sheridan County Treasurer, to gather historical information about the county and arrange a place for the displays from several of the towns during the Midsummer Fest event in mid-July.
Space was limited on the walls, and there were more, many more, photos to display. A slide show of images was developed, similar to the one that Erdmann and her son Waylon had done for veterans within the county.
For the Centennial week’s displays, a table for each town was set up in the community room of the courthouse, and in came stuff of every kind, collected over the years by residents and nearly forgotten until they received a note in their tax bill for the year to bring the items in for the displays.
There were photos and pottery, old machines of various uses, old courthouse relics that had been saved, books of many genres, clothing and uniforms, and items of interest of every kind imaginable.
People called and sent recollections of their past, many from out of state. Erdmann noted that two regular contributors were Art Waltz and Albert Schell, who brought many items each to the courthouse.
While all this was going on, a souvenir atlas was printed and official coins were made. They were all on sale, and some remain for sale, on the day of the special official event, July 17. On this day, the courthouse crew set up cake, recognized current and past elected officials, and invited everyone to come in. They did, and ate every bit of cake in the process.
Helping for the event was Summer Dieterle, who helped keep the slide show alive. The shows would time out and go to sleep without anyone manipulating them, so she would tap them awake for visitors, said Erdmann.