Drake threshing hit event
Drake threshing hit event
The 44th Drake Threshing Show began with Terry Ander-son, of Butte, off to Minot where he appeared on the KX News with host, Marci Narum, representing the board and planning committee for this annual event. It ended on Sunday, late afternoon, with many tired, sun/wind burned attendees driving off in their dust-filled cars with smiles on their faces.
Participants, from as far away as Oregon and California, joined those from the area to soak up sun with just the right breeze to keep it comfortable. Traditional events like the parade of tractors featuring Case models; the 100-year old threshing machine and Case Steamer showing newcomers ‘how it used to be done’; tractor pulls, and music by Country Cousins for relaxation or dancing, kept everyone busy.
The board for the Drake Thresh-ing Show gets together months ahead of time to plan. On the board this year are eleven men dedicated to making sure that this event not only continues but becomes more successful every year. They are as follows: Dean Lemer, president; Warren Zakopyko, vice president; Frank Lemer, secretary; Chris Dieterle, treasurer; members Dennis Schott, Al Krapu, Pete Engen, Terry Andersen, James Jansen, Jerry Koble and Tony Summers.