June 25, 2009

Doing his best provides county with 32 years of top notch service

Doing his best provides county with 32 years of top notch service
“I’ve been asked what I would have done differently over the years if I could,” said Roger Trautmann, retired Sheridan County blademan. “I went out and did the best I could. If they weren’t satisfied, they should have asked someone else. I made many good friends and some enemies over the years. I enjoyed my work.”
Trautmann even recalled digging out kittens that had been buried by his snowplow. “I dug them out and dusted them off and saved them for the lady who owned them.”
This past winter wouldn’t have bothered him “a bit,” he stated. The winter of 1996-97 was nearly the same. All the wind that year banked the snow into 12-foot deep banks, without the ridges. The snow was also seven feet deep in the winter of 2009 in his front yard. “I would have done the roadwork the same, working long hours to get it all done.”
Trautmann credits county road foreman Alvin Gross with pleasant working conditions. “I’ve enjoyed working all those years with him. He is one of the best people I have ever worked with. If I did wrong, he didn’t scream or holler. He just explained how to correct it. If anyone deserves credit, he does; he worked his tail off this past winter. He pulled one guy out and then another, and was right back again to help if you asked.”
Trautmann stated his health was good when he worked but his “body fell apart when he quit.” He has had diabetes for five years and his back bothers him now. He spent some time in the hospital shortly after retiring on August 29 of 2008.
For his retirement, there were two celebrations: his official goodbye at the Sheridan County Courthouse where he received recognition for his years of work, and the local celebration at the Peace Lutheran Church, organized by Karen Konschak and Ladora Schuessler. That event drew his family and friends from a large area. There he had his photo with his blade printed on top of the large cake.

The Weather Network