July 8, 2010

Confederate Bar and Cafe opens in McClusky

Confederate Bar and Cafe opens in McClusky
The Confederate Bar and Café came into being with the sale of Gary’s Place to Bryon and Minty Belisle on May 11. The bar opened first, followed by the café on June 26, the same day as their open house.
Working in the café are Bryon, Jr. (Joey) and his girlfriend Caitlen Skalski. He most recently worked in Fargo at the Fargo Dome Subway restaurant, where Caitlen also worked, as his supervisor. They both also worked at Days Inn before then, he as desk clerk and she as assistant manager.
They both received their high school educations: Joey in Bismarck at Bismarck high School and she in Fargo at Woodrow Wilson High School.
Skalski is originally from Kettering, Ohio. Joey, from Bismarck, worked at Bobcat where his father, Bryon, was also employed for 11 ½ years. Joey tired of the many layoffs and went to Fargo for steadier work. Joey notes that he spent a day with Jarod Fogel of the lose-weight-eating-Subway-sandwiches fame. “He lost a LOT of weight eating those sandwiches,” he said.
The café offers breakfast during the entire 6:30 to 6:30 hours the café is open. The bar is open daily from 2 p.m. to 1 p.m., closed Sunday and holidays. Bryon tends bar and Minty also works where needed.

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