Committee reports bring new ideas and focus
Directors Levi Boehm and Scott Stroh brought a suggestion for “whole board training” for the school board, one that has been successful in Texas. The training is over a two-day session. They reported the training goes over the background and ideas of the members, “break you down” then recreates your process of reaching goals. Two years of updates are included and is best done for groups of two to five. More information is available. The cost is $6,000 and the state will reimburse one-half of the cost and they could apply “Esser Funds” for the other half. Stroh noted that they would need to decide who and how many would be interested. Director Jason Axt stated, “No better time to do it than now with the Esser funds.” They also noted that the program can be homemade to North Dakota standards and they could look at both plans to see which fits best. “The group did 30 schools in three years,” added Interim-Superintendent Steve Brannan.