September 13, 2017

City notes improvements

There were positive moves toward issue resolutions at the September 11 city meeting.
A dumpground issue with electronic wastes was resolved by the order of a metal container. Councilman Nathan Rhoads located one for delivery at $2,350. This will safely contain electronic waste that could pollute the area and possible water sources.
Rhoads also noted progress on the pothole fixing but that the streets still needed to be swept.
The key issues were less of a success. Maintenance Tom Giese stated he didn’t see why, if he was in charge of the dumpground, he could not hand out a key to someone he trusted. The city had limited key usage to seven people, either elected officials or employees.
Mayor Roberta Hunt said they had talked to the inspector who suggested that others could be trained for proper disposal of waste. Several members thought that might work, with Dorothy Estrada one who was interested in the training.
The amendment to the Section 12.0206 revised ordinance of the city was read and approved for the first reading. All voted aye.
The amendment states, “Any person who shall butcher an animal within the City limits of McClusky must immediately refrigerate the animal’s entrails and keep them refrigerated until they are removed from the City of McClusky or if the entrails are not refrigerated, the entrails must be removed from the City of McClusky on a daily basis. Any person violating this provision shall be guilty of a violation of this article.”

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