City hears plans for change, activities
City hears plans for change, activities
The McClusky City Council enjoyed news of change and activities for the area at their regular meeting on July 6.
From the almost-complete tarring repairs of Steve Murray’s maintenance crew on city streets to the plans for an outdoor party on Friday night, July17, at Gary’s Place during the County Centennial and Midsummer Fest weekend, there was little downside news, if you don’t count the “nasty” water leak on the city’s fire truck. Fireman Jeff Martwick brought the need to the council members and the issue was quickly dispersed to the appropriate mechanical repairs.
An abatement application was considered for property that is no longer inhabitable due to mold growth and non-functional sewer; with the owners no longer living there. The property was reduced to the previous 2008 value of $4,100 instead of $8,630, the new 2009 assessment. The property is in the Arneson addition, lots 11-20. The abatement was approved, 3-0. Roberta Hunt was not present for the meeting, with Mark Miller, DuWayne Hirschkorn, and Andy Werth voting aye.
Building permits were approved for Nathan and Deb Rhoads, garage, and Brian Tinker, commercial building repair and possible expansion.
No representative for the McClusky Co-op Elevator appeared regarding a “water issue.” And Mayor Theresa Jorgenson noted that they needed to do that to resolve the issue, which was tabled until the August meeting.
The McClusky Merchants were issued a fireworks permit after paying the required $2 for such. The display will be at the ball diamond during the Midsummer Fest on Friday night, at dusk.
Brian Tinker presented the update on the Renaissance Zone status, for which he would be attending a meeting in Minot on Tuesday, July 7, for further information on the changes made by the 2009 legislature. He told the city council members and mayor that the changes had been made due to the limiting ability of smaller towns to use the original format of the Renaissance Zone plans. The areas, city discretionary items, and time limits for project completion had all been adjusted this year, he stated. The Renaissance Zone paperwork for McClusky, which was initiated and approved in 2004, is in need of updates, further action, and submission to the ND Dept. of Commerce for approval. Some of the initial items on a strategic plan done in 2002 have been already completed by private individuals and businesses at no cost to the city, Tinker noted. Other items are either no longer applicable or still awaiting action at some level. Tinker noted that council member Hirschkorn had been part of that original process, along with other area residents.
The plan has expanded from an allowed 10 contiguous blocks to 23, said Tinker. While the plans are possible to be changed, it would be better to plan the zone and blocks carefully and not expect to change them later on, he advised.
Tinker stated he hoped to see the current objective sub-plan met by December of 2009, if not sooner. He noted that public meetings are needed for input and the plan needs to be developed.
Upon question, he stated that the plans do not carry any funding sources with them directly, but the various projects that are approved by the zoning authority and the NDDCS would be directed to such funds for application for available monies at a later time.
The council was presented with a portion (20 pages of 54) of the information on the Renaissance Zone, along with citations to further information and alternative contacts.