City Council greets lone student
City Council greets lone student
In observance of Government Week, the McClusky City Coun-cil offered grades seven through 12 a chance to watch city government in action. One student, Arika Werth, took them up on their offer. Besides all the cookies she and her dad, Council member Andy Werth, could eat, Arika was able to learn a bit about what goes on the second Monday of each month at 1 p.m. at City Hall Council Chambers.
All council members with the exception on Mark Miller were present.
The City opened the annual Board of Equalization meeting. The records from former assessor Sherrill Houser were presented, and receipt of these records was approved and recorded. Upon a question from a visitor, the council stated these public records are available at the Tax Director’s office at the Sheridan County Courthouse.
With no further public comment, the City closed the Equal-ization portion of their April meeting.
There was no police report.
Steve Murray presented his log of activities detailing duties performed, time on call, maintenance and errands completed. He stated that he would have the dump grounds open from 6 to 8 p.m. this Thursday, April 12.
Murray also stated he would be sweeping, repairing potholes, flushing hydrants and sewers as weather permits in the next few weeks. He noted the state is done filling cracks but that the 1,800 gallons of tar that the city used could still be obtained. The council noted that it had been two years since this work had been done.