Board meeting handles personnel changes
The board approved Principal Dan Klemisch’s retirement and resignation from his position at McClusky School District. He told the board on March 7, he appreciated the privilege of teaching at McClusky, the longest job stay he had ever had, and that he also never had to interview for the position. He had come in on a “package deal” with Goodrich and stayed on.
He said he had a lot of good times at the school and that during his 32 years of teaching knows that the teachers of today have much more with which to deal than when he started. “It is bittersweet, and so hard to leave,” adding, “but time for a change into a less stressful job.”
Interviews are scheduled for seven applicants in the school’s search for a replacement, with the board hoping someone can also teach either Phy Ed or another class besides being principal. They remain hopeful for a candidate with multiple endorsements, they agreed.