July 12, 2017
ATV run to Prophets Mountains
McClusky Merchants Association sponsored an ATV run on June 25, the final event of the 2017 Midsummer Fest.
Following the FFA-sponsored roast pork dinner, riders of all ages left Hoffer’s Lake taking the township road to the east side of the Prophet’s Mountains.
Led by Shirley Murray, whose family lived in the northwest area of the Prophets, approximately 70 people from Harvey, Goodrich, Denhoff, Bismarck, Mercer, Turtle Lake and other towns used approximately 42 ATV and UTV’s.
The first stop was about two miles west of the Pickardville road at the Vandercook Rock. On the rock, is etched “C.B. Vandercook,” April 7, 1903, words faded by the weather over the years.