Assocation reviews year of progress
The annual meeting of the Turtle Lake Community Hospital Association was held at Trinity Lutheran Church on October 25, immediately following the dedication of the new entrance to the hospital.
Board President Rhonda Stradinger called the meeting to order and Secretary Vickie Erdmann introduced guests and gave the minutes of the previous annual meeting, which were approved as read.
Reports included review of the books by Denise Belisle and Lani Schafer of the Dakota West Credit Union with all records found to be in order.
The Hospital Auxiliary report was given by Bonnie Nelson. She listed the events by the 17 “Very active” members.
The group had an annual supper in October of 2016, which sold 650 tickets. There were 12 vendors for their 2016 Holiday Fair and an excellent turnout for the spring salad luncheon.
The money raised was used for a variety of projects; flowers for the front of the hospital; 40 clothing protectors hand-made by auxiliary members; annual calendar; and providing cable television and the Bismarck Tribune for the swing bed residents and regular patients.