McClusky Gazette News

The Sheridan County Farm Bureau held its annual meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 2 at the Goodrich School gym. They celebrated 50 years of serving the Sheridan County farmers and other residents.

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Many booths, 35 so far, with more coming in everyday, are planned for the craft show at the Ed Rath auditorium.

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At a recent seminar on aging and disability in Fargo, designed mostly for professionals in the care of older or disabled persons but open to others in communities to attend, the following information was presented on our brains and how to help keep them healthy into old age.

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October 4, 2012

Good-bye to a good editor

Gerald Anderson, former owner and editor of the McLean County Journal, died at his home over the last weekend in Sept.

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The street corners along ND Highway 200 in McClusky underwent rapid change this week.

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September 20, 2012

Drake threshing hit event

By SANDY BLANES, edited The 44th Drake Threshing Show began with Terry Ander-son, of Butte, off to Minot where he appeared on the KX News with host, Marci Narum, representing the board and planning committee for this annual event. It ended on Sunday, late afternoon, with many tired, sun/wind burned attendees driving off in their dust-filled cars with smiles on their faces.

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Joyce Kahler thought it was fire at first, the orange in the trees in the shelterbelt.

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The Independent Community Banks of North Dakota (ICBND) elected officers and new members to its board of directors during the group’s 45th Annual Convention & Exposition.

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September 6, 2012

Merchants cancel corn feed

The McClusky Merchants, at their August 28 meeting, canceled their proposed corn feed for the community.

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September 6, 2012

62 Years Later

This is the story of two grade school girls, the best of friends. One is Joyce Heller Korwin, the other Joyce Anderson Kahler, who tells this story.

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