McClusky Gazette News

January 24, 2013

Job training available

The Experience Works Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) is currently accepting applications.

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It was a “hospital focus group” that was enjoying itself with the immediate target of their attention: the meal.

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A gathering of former Lions started the core of a new group of community volunteers. The five gathered at McClusky City Hall on Friday, Jan 4, and chose a name, motto, mascot, purpose, projects for the community, and formed the structure for their application as a not-for profit.

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According to Jill Goven, there have been several positive In-fluenza cases in Turtle Lake this past week. Several of these patients needed to be hospitalized.

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The McClusky High School music department held it’s Christmas Concert on Thursday evening, Dec. 13 at the high school gym, directed by Amber Hoffman, music instructor.

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December 20, 2012

Polar Ware closing

Polar Ware/Stoelting, which opened formally in McClusky in 2001, changed hands this past year into ownership under Vollrath Company LLC.

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The December 4 meeting of the Sheridan County Commissioners dealt with minor and major issues, all taken care of in a busy season.

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The McClusky Ambulance Ser-vice has received a Lifepak 15 cardiac monitor from Mission: Lifeline, an American Heart As-sociation community-based initiative aimed at improving the system of care for heart attack patients throughout North Dakota.

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Jason Parsons isn’t working grandpa’s farm, but his return to McClusky reflects the part of the value system that grandpa prized.

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The regular holiday events are starting to occur, with more to arrive before the official day to celebrate Christmas on Dec. 25.

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