McClusky Gazette News

At the December 14 meeting of the McClusky School Board, Goodrich Superintendent Rod Scherbenske and Misty Galvin, Board President member addressed the possible reorganization of the two schools to form one school for Sheridan County.

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Season's Greetings
December 21, 2021

Season's Greetings

Representing the Nativity event of Christmas are Mary- Donna Lipp, Joseph- Walter Lipp Angel- Gabby Teumer, Wiseman- Gavin Brauner, Wiseman- Matthew Teumer (sheep handler) and Shepard- Kristee Tanner. The event was sponsored as a community greeting for Christmas by the McClusky Job Development Authority under the direction of Barb Teumer.

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Christmas Memories
December 14, 2021

Christmas Memories

Christmas cookies until Easter Myldred Swanson is one of the new residents at Sheridan Memorial Home.

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Enjoy Christmas
December 7, 2021

Enjoy Christmas

With a nice surrounding of straw bales and Christmas finery, Bravera Bank has provided a nice place to rest, gather to sing, or just enjoy the Main Street decorations.

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Christmas for Elsie Reiswig has always been about family. “It was always at our house,” she said.

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November 30, 2021

Annual Vendor Show

This Sunday is the annual vendor sale.

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Trees up and lights on
November 30, 2021

Trees up and lights on

No snow on the ground, but who is complaining?

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November 23, 2021

Thank you, Jeffrey

Jeffrey Martwick, president of the McClusky Merchants Association for many years, answered calls with “Jeffrey speaking.”

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Local business owner honored
November 23, 2021

Local business owner honored

With a McClusky Rural Fire District escort to the church, Jeffrey Martwick was brought back to the community he loved and served so well.

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The new face of the Main Street Salon was another successful support eff ort of the McClusky JDA, cooperating with salon and building owner Babett Krueger.

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