McClusky Gazette News

The McClusky FFA chapter was very busy this year with winter judging season, fundraisers and preparing for the Annual FFA Awards Banquet.

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Under the colors of the wall hanging of Amazing Grace hymn on Sundays sit the many members of the Grace Lutheran Church in McClusky.

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"Enchanted Forest" was the theme for McClusky High School Prom on Saturday evening, April 16, at the high school gym.

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Friday evening, April 8, was a special night for the McClusky FFA The Chapter celebrated its sixtieth year since starting in 1956.

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On Tuesday, March 29, the McClusky Acalympic teams traveled to Wing for an acalympic meet.

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Heart of Dakota Packing is up and running.

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March 30, 2016

Who said that? Not me!

Entertainment at this year’s Sheridan County Soil Conservation District banquet was met with resounding applause and laughter for the antics of ventriloquist James Wedgwood and his entourage of almost alive wooden dummies.

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Instead of leaving home to work, Heidi Strobel will stay home and work. It was a decision long in the making and one that wasn’t easy.

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