McClusky Gazette News
Flags retired with honor
A group of American Legion members, auxiliary members and the general public gathered on June 12 at the Goodrich American Legion Hall to retire American flags with honor.
Unofficial local voting tally
Sheridan County County Commissioner, Shannon Dieterle, 335, writein, 11 County Commissioner, Sandra Felchle, 342, write-in, 7
For Sale Best Bid
A portion of the items in the silent auction starting at the Sheridan County Highway Department lot and shop.
Pool repairs running on volunteer power
McClusky Park Board president Tracy Stein has welcomed many volunteers to help reduce costs for keeping the popular pool open another year.
Carefully hidden in plain view
The 363 Eatery is in full gear, serving the best in homemade foods.
Six 4-H members from Sheridan County competed May 26, 2022, in the county’s 4-H Communication Arts Contest held at the McClusky City Hall with Sarah Crimmins as the event emcee.
Jennifer Saueressig tells the story of local youth helping the food bank.
Memorial Day Services
McClusky Legion Color Guard, from left: Vern Lasher, Dave Jorgenson, Nick Parson, Dale Jorgensen, Bryon Belile and Wayne Helm.
McClusky City Community Room tables held twenty-seven women on May 4, ready to hear Tom Kalb bring the best in gardening news and advice.
Helm takes Honor Flight to Washington D.C.
On the tenth day of April 2022, Arlington Helm took the Honor Flight to Washington, D.C. As he put it, “They treated us like kings.”