McClusky Gazette News

Verendrye hosted 1326 registered members and their families at their annual meeting on Thursday, June 11 at the North Dakota State Fair Center. It was the Cooperative’s 70th annual meeting.

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Harold Jenner, Goodrich, recently flew on the Rough Rider Honor Flight. His daughter Rosemary Morrison, Robinson, accompanied him, with his other daughter Aileen Erdmann, Turtle Lake, greeting him upon his arrival back in Bismarck.

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The McClusky Junior Girl Scouts recently spent an afternoon at the Sheridan Memorial Home transplanting flowers.

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First District Health Unit and SCiPY (Sheridan County in Partnership with Youth) sponsored a babysitting class on May 28th

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Memorial Day, May 25, barely saw light through the heavy mist and rain that fell.

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At the May 13, meeting of McClusky School District board, Business Manager Cindy Miller announced that only two candidates have filed a statement of interest for the McClusky School Board,

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Both Goodrich and McClusky School Districts held their commencement exercises the weekend of May 16 and 17.

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The Goodrich School District commencement exercises will be held on Saturday, May 16;

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The Drama Club of the McClusky High School presented “Murder in Bloom,” a mystery comedy in two acts by Thomas Hischak, on Thursday, April 30, at the high school stage.

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One of the most fun, and probably most successful, fundraisers to hit the pavement, or at least the sidewalk to the McClusky Elementary School happened on Monday, April 27.

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