McClusky Gazette News

For a normally reserved man, both with words and emotion, Hepper was effusive on all fronts.

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Local medical service provider, Sarah Baker, BS, MSN, FNP, is the 2010 Recipient of the March of Dimes ND Nurse of the Year – Advanced Practice.

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The WAVES (Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Services) was the first way for enlisted women to serve in the Navy.

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The Goodrich September Smash once again outdid its previous year. This year’s event had silent auction items as well as the drop-in-a ticket raffles filling several tables.

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The McClusky Senior Citizens welcomed home three of their own from the Sept. 10 Roughrider Honor Flight last Thursday, Dept. 16.

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Most issues were routine during the Sept. 14 McClusky School District (MSD) regular monthly meeting, except.

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On Thursday, Sept. 23, Audubon National Wildlife Refuge will host the annual nest box workshop for youth, as well as an open house for the public.

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New “reading teacher” (grades 1-4) Sheri Nicole Kelly was born in Glasgow and raised in Circle, MT. Kelley adds,

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The Yankees have been pretty good to Ken (Butch) Konschak over the years.

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A former Pride, Inc, employee, Cindy Terwilliger, was a paraprofessional in Wilton.

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