McClusky Gazette News
Little Free Library to serve community
An idea developed over a year, then drew to reality when Jerry Reiswig built the Little Free Library. Sponsor of the idea and the library’s continuing completion, Diane Holen.
New place to call home
With the usual sidewalk superintendents and interested residents, the former home of Eugene and Freida Wahl moved from the farm residence east along ND Highway 200 to town.
First District Health schedules flu clinics
First District Health Unit, Sheridan County First District Health Unit has announced the dates and times of this year’s flu vaccination clinics.
Veterans Memorial Cross Replacement
In 2019, the McClusky Merchant Association awarded the American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) $1,500 from gaming funds.
Farm to Market paved road truck speed raised
A group of producers and other interested parties gathered at the regular Sheridan County Commission meeting for a long discussion on road speeds, road damage impacts, and community area agricultural convenience.
Playground and weed issues fill County Park Board meeting
With the first news of the meeting a step forward for getting things done, Chairman Michael Axt noted to those present at the County Park Board meeting on September 26, that the grant request went off to Garrison Diversion right after the last meeting.
53rd Annual Drake Threshing Show history update
Threshing show enthusiasts come and go. The lunch menu changes.
Social Security Scams
Social Security numbers are the skeleton key to identity theft. And what better way to get someone’s Social Security number than by pretending to be from Social Security?
Farmers Union supports local farmers
Sheridan County Farmers Union and North Dakota Farmers Union teamed up to deliver appreciation baskets on August 24, to family ranchers in Sheridan County.
Neighbors helping neighbors
In the worst of times, good people step forward. This week 17 farmers stepped forward with their tractors and trucks to aid fellow farmer Stacy Sease and his wife Missy in the medical issues facing them.