2013 in Review Part II
The bed races bring out the crowd each year, patient watchers of the fast and furious racing on the streets of McClusky. This year, in the adult division, the Fighting Sioux rose again from the obscurity of forced disbanding at university level to be victorious on the local, bed level, of competitions. The first place team members were Alexander Holen, Kevin Miller, The Wizard, and Jordan Froehlich.
The McClusky Merchants Association members reviewed the plans for the Midsummer Fest at their June 25 meeting at the Union Grill. All is in process, some a bit less structured than others, but as one member laughingly stated, "Flying by the seat of our pants is what we do best."
It was a good news-bad news, type of City of McClusky meeting on July 8. The air was ripe with "f" and "m" words, fraud and money. It was a meeting, different from most, in that is was NOT over in 45 minutes.
Collecting dollars for the Camp of the Cross at Garrison as they rode across the center of the state from Bowdon to Garrison, two bikers stopped in McClusky to rest, then continued on to Mercer and camping there overnight.
Nothing like some trouble in "River City" as the song goes, to heat up casual conversation. McClusky has a street issue of overfills, non-fills, blocked gutters, tarred manhole covers, rumble strips where they weren’t ever before, and patches that could stress a mountain goat. We won’t mention the pile of rubble behind St John’s Lutheran Church.
Thomas (Tom) Giese is the new, as of March 22, maintenance person for the city of McClusky. He noted that he had been "Baptized by fire" into his new job with the last spring snow storm on April 16. It was his "biggest excitement" on the job, so far.
With hardly anyone with any large amounts of produce to sell, the first Farmers Market in McClusky was off to a slow, but tasty, start on Wed, July 17.