2013 in Review
The Experience Works Senior Community Service Employment Program, with several job openings available, accepted applications for workers age 55 or older and unemployed, who live in Sheridan County and have a qualifying income level.
The McClusky Sportsman’s Club annual Landowner’s Appre-ciation Supper was held Sunday, January 27, at the American Le-gion. It is a thank you to landowners who allow hunters to hunt on their land.
With a late start in April of 2012, the McClusky City Job Development Authority (MCJDA) was organized with appointed members Roberta Hunt, Dorothy Estrada, Jordan Miller, Jordan Froehlich and Linda Bowers. The group was formed to replace the Sheridan County Economic Development Corporation (SCEDC) that was involuntarily dissolved on Feb. 9, 2012 by the North Da-kota Secretary of State’s Dept. Ownership of all property was transferred to MCJDA, along with the money that was collected under the city sales tax authorized for SCEDC by McClusky citizens.
The McClusky Merchants pledged support for the McClusky Fire Dept for two self-contained breathing apparatus ($5,144 each) and the McClusky Park Board and American Legion will receive $5,000 towards their combined goal for a new sign for the Heart Park.
Graduating in May of 2010 and employed one year at Turtle Lake-Mercer School as voc ag instructor, Sarah (Guenzler) Crimmins is the new Sheridan County Extension Agent.
McClusky Fire Dept, at their monthly meeting at City Council chambers, elected fire department Chief Kendon Faul highlighted a Monsanto grant from the America’s Farmers Grow Communities grant division.