May 16, 2018

WWCS misses the mark

It has proven to be a tough week for the Cardinals, who have faced some steep competition on the field and came up short in all three of their recent games.
Washburn/Wilton/Center-Stanton faced off against Beulah on the Miners’ home field last week, and things were ugly for the Cardinals early on. The Miners pulled out six runs in the first inning and locked WWCS out, heading into the second with a 6-0 lead.
Beulah would continue pumping out runs steadily throughout the game, racking up another 12 without an answer from the Cardinals. After five innings, the Miners would take the win 18-0.
The Cardinals would fare better in the second game of the night, taking five runs of their own, but still falling short of Beulah’s 10.
In the second game, Tate Dickson and Nolan Teigen would go two for two at bat, with Reed Backman going one for two.
Back on home field May 10, WWCS would head into battle with the Bison. Hazen would score a quick run in the first to take a small lead, which would grow by three in the fifth. The Cardinals would struggle to score for the first six innings, but would pull one out in the seventh, just as Hazen sealed their 4-1 win.

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