Post 12 claims first place
By Michael Johnson, Editor
The small town boys of the Post 12 Legion team showed some big contenders that they are the top dogs as they went on to oust Lidgerwood, LaMoure, and Valley City in the Lever Classic over the weekend in Valley City. Coach Kip Erickson said he wanted the team to take on tough teams so they could see what competition exists. By the looks of things, they’ll have to search for some tougher teams next time. The team made up of Washburn-Wilton-Center-Stanton wasted no time racking up the hits. Every player added some hits to the mix to bring Post 12 to a three-game sweep. Heavy rains put a stop to the fourth game, which would have put Post 12 against Fargo, according to Coach Erickson. “We were to play Fargo Jets in the championship,” Erickson said. “Because of rain we did not finish the tourney but received first place as the only undefeated team left in the tourney and with the fewest runs given up between Fargo and Washburn.”