February 7, 2018

Cardinals take home three

Washburn boys hit the court three times over the past week, coming out on top to snag victories over each of their opponents.
It was a week of wins for the Cardinals, who met the Max Cossacks in Washburn for an evening bout Jan. 30. The game started with point-for-point shooting, with the teams slowly making their way up the scoreboard, but unable to maintain a lead.
Things would pick up in the second quarter, but not in Washburn’s favor -- Max would round up 20 points and finally gain a lead over the Cardinals.
“We didn’t come out with any energy and they just took it to us,” Cardinals head coach Derrick Seiler said. “They played well the first half.”
Seiler said the team knew it had to amp things up in the second half if they wanted to win.
“The second half we realized we better pick up the intensity and execute like we know we can or we were going to lose,” Seiler said.

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