Leader News Sports

The Southern McLean track team attended their second track and field meet of the year in Hazen last week, fielding tracksters at the Sakakawea Country Classic on April 26.

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Springtime is once again late to the party, but that’s not stopping the Southern McLean track team as they go into another season.

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The Garrison Dam National Fish Hatchery’s annual operating budget is $667,492, but that funding is being threatened by proposed budget cuts in President Barrack Obama’s 2012 budget.

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Spring sports have begun and winter has overstayed its welcome causing some events to be canceled in the area.

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The tailrace below Garrison Dam has been a cure for "fishing fever" all winter long.

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March 24, 2011

Seventh place at state

This season’s Lady Cardinals team went 16-3 in the regular season, handily captured the District 10 Tournament title, and outplayed a talented array of teams to come out as the champions of Region 5.

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For the past few years, the Washburn Girls basketball team has shown the potential to win it all, but they just couldn’t get over the hill that is the regional tournament to make the program’s return to the Elegant Eight team showdown of the State Class B Tournament.

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The Region 5 girls basketball tournament kicked off on Monday in Mandan.

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It had been nine years since the Washburn Cardinal boys basketball team was last part of the regional championship game.

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The Wilton-Wing Miner girls’ basketball team has been riding the confidence of their three seniors for the majority of their wins this year while their freshman core continues to build their own as the season progresses.

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