Leader News Sports

If everything would go as planned there would be nothing to stop the guys of Post 12 from winning it all in Legion baseball this summer.

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The timing of summer storms has plagued the Post 12 baseball season so far.

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Baseball is the sport of summer, but no games will be played on the Washburn high school baseball field this season.

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The small town boys of the Post 12 Legion team showed some big contenders that they are the top dogs as they went on to oust Lidgerwood, LaMoure, and Valley City in the Lever Classic over the weekend in Valley City.

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Much like the regular baseball season, the Post 12 baseball team of Washburn, Wilton, Center and Stanton is playing around another wet season.

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It huffed and puffed but the 50 mph wind gusts couldn’t deter Washburn senior Jeff Rasmussen from his goal of improving on his eighth place state finish from last year.

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Friday and Saturday marked the North Dakota State Track Meet, the culmination of all the hard work athletes have put in all season long.

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The complete domination by the Hazen Bison girls of the regional track meet has finally come to an end.

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“We come out hitting the ball. We had four or five hits in the first inning and good plate appearances where we got a walk or two so we executed well there.”

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The Southern McLean golf program is off on its winter-shortened and still very damp season, having been to a handful of meets on both the boys and girls side.

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