Leader News Sports

June 25, 2014

Legion ball underway

There’s a lot going on with Legion ball this year.

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Two McLean County Roughriders placed in three events at the State Track Meet in Bismarck this past weekend.

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The collective whole of the Southern McLean Roughriders finished in strong fashion at the Regional meet over the weekend.

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There are a few things in life that can be good or bad, depending on which side of the fence you stand on.

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Two weeks away from the end of the track and field year, Southern McLean has loaded up their schedule with competitions to make up for the slow yearly season.

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With the track and field season already half over and plagued with weather-related issues, the team from Southern McLean finally got a chance to attend their first outdoor meet of the year over in Hazen last week.

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Another year of unpredictable climate in the northern plains brought a messy beginning to Southern McLean’s track and field season.

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Although the weather isn’t shaping up to be the greatest this spring, girls in the Wilton and Wing communities have been keeping warm while practicing fast-pitch softball.

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One week removed from their spectacular run to claim the District 10 crown, the Wilton-Wing Miners girl’s basketball team stepped into the Mandan High School gym for the next level in their post-season progression: the Region 5 tournament.

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District 10 and District 9 went head-to-head in the first day of the Region 5 tournament held on Monday at the Mandan High School gym.

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