Wilton school says no Band-Aid for football field
The options for fixing the Wilton football field were laid out for Wilton School Board members Wednesday night by the Wilton Park Board.
They could bring it back to where it was before damage was done, or they could fix it so that it would be a safe and attractive athletic field.
The school’s cost ranged from $3,500 for the first option, to about $23,000 for the last option.
"Do we take it back to where it was, or fix it?" was the question posed by park board member Cyndy Sondrol. "The football field has never been a great field, that’s well known."
Park board member Lisa Jenkins said that the park board has every intention of making sure the field would not be damaged like it was during the event again.
The park board laid the decision in the hands of the school because funding was limited for the park board, whereas the school has special building funds set aside for special projects such as this. The school generates money. The park board has to request their dollars.