Wilton revisits snow gate decision
By Brenda L. Schaefer, BHG News Service
Snow gate or no snow gate – the topic for the winter came up once again at Wilton’s March 16 commission meeting. Commissioner Dave Herner did his homework and brought back results that didn’t necessarily support the previous decision to go ahead and purchase a snow gate before next winter’s snow begins to blow. Herner contacted both Washburn and Turtle Lake snow plow operators and decided that it was important to share the information with commissioners. Herner shared that originally, both communities thought that adding the snow gate would solve a lot of the snow removal problems, but it hasn’t done that. He said, "When I talked to Turtle Lake, they said the blade isn’t a balanced blade, so with the extra weight, the cutting edge is out of balance and they have a lot of trouble having to weld things that break and wearing out the cutting edges."