March 31, 2011

Will you answer the call?

By Michael Johnson, Editor

Their average age is 52. They include city workers, medical staff, security guards, equipment operators, office personnel, cashiers, students and more. They decided to join because they wanted to help others in need. And they are proud that they can do that. But their numbers are shrinking. Who are they? They are the Washburn Ambulance volunteers. They include 13 EMTs seven first responder/drivers, a radio maintainer, computer advisor and three students. They have been filling shifts in order to make sure that when a call comes in for an ambulance, be it a car accident, train derailment, a serious health condition or just the need for a hand to hold, that there is help in a hurry. Without their willingness to step up in the community there would have to be some major changes in the way that residents receive ambulance support. The ambulance service is reaching out in the community with the hope to fill some positions. On Monday night, the group held their monthly meeting with four new people in attendance interested in hearing what they could do to help.

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